• Synopsis: Felipe is only 21 years old and despite his young age He has another persona living inside him. Her name is Satine Prada, a glamorous Drag Queen who performs in a small town called Petropolis, in the rainy mountains of Rio de Janeiro. Satine wants to reach the stardom facing strong competition in the Drag World; Felipe is a very shy and sweet boy who wants to be a nurse, tonight both are gonna share their secrets. Be prepared for an unforgettable ride with a lot of unexpected, fun and glittery surprises. Year of Production: 2016 Running Time: 18'50" Original Language: Portuguese (Brazil) English Subtitles Embedded Trailer: https://youtu.be/O9f5Og6ZmDg PURCHASE THIS TITLE TO HELP ME MAKE MORE INDEPENDENT MOVIES LIKE THIS ONE THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT
  • Synopsis: Miss Brian has been cursed by an Evil Witch Drag, an old bitter ex friend who became an enemy as Brian renegaded his homosexual preferences. But this is not a simple fairy tale where the Prince has to save the Princess from a nasty dragon. In this contemporary love story the main character plays both parts, as a successful transvestite looking for love during the most exciting time of year in Rio de Janeiro, the Carnival. The Evil Drag will be watching Miss Brian carefully, making sure that all wishes of meeting the girl of her dreams turn into a horrible nightmare. Year of production: 2018 Running time: 17 min Cast: Brian Oliver, Pahtchy, Rafael Nunes and Homero Gigio Original Language: Portuguese (Brazil) Subtitled in English Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/embed/1ec1O1EI4rA



  • Synopsis: In the second installment of this sexy interview the director gets a closer look at Kaio's "tools" and things get really spiced up. Have You ever wondered what makes a guy become a male prostitute? In this Bonus feature of Rent Male Unrated You will get a close look to what happened to this unusual couple with no censorship. Be prepared to surprise yourself as love can happen even against the oddest situation. Year of Production: 2017 Running Time: 14'55" Original Language: Portuguese (Brazil) English Subtitles Embedded


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